Main Character Monday Meet Ben Carrington

I am so excited to give you the opportunity to meet Ben Carrington on today’s Main Character Monday. Ben is the main male character from Liana George’s book, Perfectly Placed. If you haven’t read my interview with Nicki Mayfield, the main female character, you can go to my blog archives and search her name or the book title, Perfectly Arranged. But for today, we’re going to focus on Ben Carrington. We even have a Ben Carringtonspecial treat today, as Liana George sent us a picture of Ben. Welcome Ben. Why don’t you tell us a little about yourself.

I am a born and raised Texas boy living in Beijing teaching English and sharing the gospel as best as I can without getting in trouble!

 It’s always good to stay out of trouble. Tell me something about you that readers may find surprising?

I was recruited by the Houston Astros to play baseball but changed my mind in the spring of my senior year.

Wow! That’s a big deal. If you could solve one world problem, which one would you solve?

Poverty. The inequality between wealthy people and poor people in this world blows my mind. There must be a way to fix it.

I imagine you see quite a bit of that issue playing out in front of you, and I’m guessing you help in any way you can. The New Testament tells of Mary and Martha. Two sisters who react to a visit from Jesus in very different ways. Mary chooses to spend time with Him, while Martha chooses to take care of the physical needs. Are you more Mary or Martha?

Well, since I’m a guy I would say neither! But in all seriousness, I’d say I identify more with Mary. While I think it’s important to take care of others’ physical needs first, I know I can’t do that to the best of my ability until my well’s been filled by spending time with Jesus.

That is a great thought for all of us to keep in mind. “Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.” James 1:27 – Do you think living out this verse would make a difference in your life? How?

Living in China and seeing the number of orphans in the country I can definitely see why God would call us to do this. I haven’t been the best at taking the time to care for them as I should while I’ve been here, but recently I’ve had the opportunity to spend time with one little orphan girl and it’s changed my life in ways I never imagined. It’s softened my heart and made me rethink marriage, family, and kids. And it’s also deepened my understanding of God and His love for His children.

 I love it when God places people like that in my life, to open up my eyes to things I haven’t considered before. Is there a verse of scripture that holds great meaning in your life?

Luke 1:37 “For nothing is impossible with God.”

That is a great, strength giving verse. If you could leave readers with one message, what would it be? Don’t be afraid of the world. Explore, learn, and embrace it. We are not of this world, but we are to be in it. We can’t do what we’ve been called to do if we are constantly in fear of discovering more about it and the people who inhabit it.

I want to thank Ben for joining us today. It’s been great getting to know him a little more. Now, for something a little different than our usual, we’re going to put Ben’s author, Liana George on the spot with our just for fun and rapid fire questions. 

If you could buy one thing, without worrying about the cost, what would you buy? A house by the ocean!

What one hobby would you keep if you had to give up all other hobbies? Traveling!

Apples or Pears? Apples

Indoors or Outside? Inside

Reading or Writing? Reading

If Ben Carrington had only three words to describe you, how would he do it? Persistent, hard-working, giving

Readers, don’t say good-bye just yet. Keep reading for more information on Perfectly Placed, Liana’s great new release and to find out more about Liana and where you can find her on social media and get your own copy of her book.

Perfectly Placed Back Cover Copy 

Nicki’s tasked with making New Hope the perfect place for orphaned children.

So why has everything gone wrong? 

Six weeks after leaving China, Nicki Mayfield returns to complete two critical tasks: restore order at New Hope Orphanage and reconnect with the little girl who stole her heart. However, between a stubbornly stone walling supervisor, missing documents, and personal tragedy, Nicki faces challenges at every turn. Is she the best person to bring order – and longevity – to the place these children call home? Then, with the help of an unexpected ally, Nicki makes a life-altering decision that upends her well-planned life and the lives of those around her. Will she lose it all, or has she found the way to save what matters most?



Liana George Bio 

Liana George is a sought-after speaker, blogger, and author. Before pursuing a career in writing, she was a professional organizer and is the former owner of By George Organizing Solutions in Houston. Her debut novel, Perfectly Arranged, Book One in the Hopeful Heart Series, was released in October 2021 from Scrivenings Press. When she’s not putting things in order or scribbling away, you can find her reading, traveling, or watching tennis.

Links to purchase Perfectly Placed

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