Main Character Monday Interview: Lavinia Lewis

Welcome to another Main Character Monday Interview with today’s guest, Lavinia Lewis, from Shenanigans by Heather Norman Smith. I hope you’ll stick around and have fun getting to know Lavinia a bit better. And keep reading after the interview for more on the author and Shenanigans.

Let’s get started. Lavinia, why don’t you tell us a little about yourself?

I’m blessed to live in Southport, North Carolina—the Home of Salubrious breezes some call it. That fancy word means life-giving, and boy, is it the truth! My daughter, Amy Lynn, and her husband, Lee, live here also, and their two boys, Lucas and Dylan, are the light of my life, especially since my husband passed away. I’ve got wonderful friends in my retirement community, and I like the Director, too, even though he keeps threatening to kick me out.

Your family sounds wonderful. Of course, you do have me wondering why your director would threaten to kick you out, but I guess we probably need to read your story to find that out. So, tell me something about you that readers may find surprising.

Ha ha. Well, most people say I don’t look like a prankster. I guess because I’m almost eighty, and because I try to be a proper Southern lady most of the time. But a good chuckle at a well-timed whoopie cushion never hurt anybody. I like making people laugh.

I’m beginning to think I may know why your director keeps threatening you! But really, laughter is good for a person. You’re doing them a service making them laugh. Okay, next question. What is your favorite book of the Old Testament?

Proverbs. I may be getting older, but I still need all the wisdom I can get.

Don’t we all! Is there a book of the Bible you have trouble getting through?

Revelation is a little tough for me, I guess. I trust that the Lord’s plan is perfect, but for somebody who looks on the bright side of everything…well, it’s nothing to laugh about.

No, I don’t think it is. And I don’t think you’re alone in finding that one a little bit difficult. If you could meet anyone from scripture, excluding Jesus, who would it be?

Hmmm…well, I love meeting new people, so it’s hard to choose. I’ll say Isaac since his name means laughter.

I’m getting the idea that you may be a fun woman to be around, Lavinia. You sound like someone people would want to have around. We all need people. Even Jesus had twelve disciples. Which one are you most like?

Thomas. I had my doubts for a long time, but the Lord set me straight.

Jesus says we are to be His light in the world. What does this mean to you?

Oh, that’s easy. We let ‘em see we have joy, even in the dark times. When I had my stroke, when my husband died, when I was arrested—there was still plenty of joy to be found.

There you go again, Lavinia. You dropped getting arrested in there like it was an everyday occurrence. You’ve definitely got me curious, but I’ll be polite and not ask. What I will ask though is,if you could leave readers with one message, what would it be?

Trust the Lord with all your heart, and don’t lean on your own understanding.

Very good truth for each of us. And before I let you go, I’ve got two just for fun questions for you and then a few quick fire questions.  Just shout out the first answer that comes to mind. 

If you could have a superpower, what one would you choose?

Invisibility, to make it easier to play jokes on people. Harmless ones, of course.

If offered the opportunity would you choose to travel in space?

No, I’m afraid my vertigo would get the better of me. Unless my new friend, Neville, was going. Then I might try it.

Dark or Milk Chocolate?


Roses or Daisies?


Salad or Soup?


And one last question I’m always curious about. Lavinia, how would you describe Heather Norman Smith in only three words?

Sweet young lady

I don’t know, Lavinia. You may be a prankster, but you seem like you’re an awfully sweet lady yourself. I want to thank you for being my guest today. Readers, if you have any questions for Lavinia or Heather, just drop them in the comments below. And keep reading for more about Heather Norman Smith.

About the Author:

Heather Norman Smith is a Christian Fiction and devotions author. Her goal is to use the written word to entertain and encourage while illuminating the redemptive love of God. She is proud to be a life-long North Carolinian and aims to present the beauty of the Tar Heel State in her fiction. Her home is just outside Winston-Salem, NC, where she lives with her husband, their four children, and several pets. Along with writing and spending time with family, Heather also enjoys singing about Jesus.
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