Main Character Monday: Weekend Edition Part Two

Welcome to the second installment of the special Weekend Edition of Main Character Monday. Since today is Monday, I guess, technically it isn’t the weekend anymore. But we’re not going to quibble about little details like that when we have a guest waiting.

Friday’s Main Character Monday introduced you to a new novella collection called, Candy Cane Wishes and Saltwater Dreams, and one novella’s main character. Today, we have the privilege of meeting PENNIE VAUGHN from A PENNIE FOR YOUR THOUGHTS by LINDA FULKERSON. Thank you for joining me.

If you could choose only one thing to buy without money being an issue, what would you buy?

Definitely a new front porch for the cabin I inherited from my foster mom, Dottie. The cabin’s cozy and has a great view of the lake, but watch your step, because there are a few scary boards, and I don’t want you to fall through! Who knew lumber prices would out soar precious metals? Just a sec. Gotta grab another bucket to place beneath this leak. Ugh! Forget the porch. I need a roof. Yeah. That’s what I would buy. A roof!

Maybe purchasing a lumber company would help! Then, you’d have all the wood you need for fixing up your place. The New Testament tells the story of two sisters who react to Jesus visiting in very different ways. Mary chooses to spend her time with him, while Martha chooses to see to the physical details of his visit. Are you more a Mary or Martha?

Is that a trick question, or did my best friend Callie put you up to it? I’m not really on speaking terms with God at the moment.

 Then you’re probably not going to enjoy the next question either. “Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.” James 1:27 – Do you think this verse, lived out would have made a difference in your life? If so, how?

More God stuff? Seriously? You know, I took Dottie to church when she became too weak to drive. She was a widow, so I guess that counts. I mean, I believe in God and all that. I’m just really struggling with the whole faith thing right now. My parents were killed when I was young. My fiancé dumped me just weeks before our wedding. I inherited a shack I can’t afford to fix up, but I can’t let it go because Dottie left it to me. It’s just hard to focus on God stuff when I wonder if He really does care about me. Does that make sense?

Okay. Not really sure if you want to give God time if you’re not sure He really cares. I get it. But surely, you can find some redeemable thought from memories past to answer this next one. What scripture verse would you claim as a life verse?

Have you even been listening to me? Look, I write a travel advice blog. I don’t give out religious advice. And even though I give travel advice, I don’t really ever GO anywhere. Anxiety. Ugh! But Dottie used to quote this verse to me, Psalm 121:8  – “The Lord keeps watch over you as you come and go, both now and forever.” Whenever I do have to travel, I sometimes let that roll through my head. It helps. Don’t tell Callie I said that, or she’ll ask me to go to church with her again. You know, church isn’t so bad, come to think of it. Maybe I should go back …

 If there was one message you could give those reading this interview, what would that be?

Ah! Now you’re talking my language! How about I leave your readers with some travel advice? I mean, that’s what I do!

Here’s a good one: Although “ZERO” doesn’t typically add up to much, if you accidentally leave it out while entering an address into your GPS, you may learn just how valuable this seemingly worthless number is. Especially if you’re in say, downtown Philadelphia.

There’s plenty more where that came from. In fact, each chapter in the novella Linda Fulkerson wrote about me begins with a travel tip.

Oh, wait a minute. You probably meant something deeper. (Sigh) Okay. About the whole God thing … If you’re struggling with faith stuff, I get it. I’ve been there. Just hang on. It’s hard, but be patient. Let your best friend pray for you until you can pray yourself. Even if you can’t feel His presence, He’s there. I’ve learned that He really does care.

Great travel tip! And thanks for sharing a “deeper” thought as well. I know it’s uncomfortable for you, and I appreciate it. Now, on the lighter side. What one hobby/interest would you keep if you had to give every other hobby up?

Now that I’ve actually gone somewhere, I think I’d love to travel more. Once I got past the white-knuckled grip stage, I loved it! (Apologies to the stranger seated next to me on the flight to Hawaii – hope those nails digging into your arm didn’t leave a mark, but we did have an ocean beneath the plane. An OCEAN!)

And let’s end with some rapid fire questions just for fun:

Indoors or outdoors:

Outdoors. Nature. I love it. And now that I’m on better terms with God, I love seeing His glorious creation.

Reading or writing:

Writing. I’m a blogger. But reading? Love that, too!

Apples or pears:

Pears. So sweet and juicy.

Early bird or night owl:

Both. I don’t require much sleep.

How would you describe Linda Fulkerson in just three words?

Hmm …

  1. Well-traveled (To be honest, I’m a bit jealous).
  2. Stubborn. (She seriously had to make me sit still for three days straight so she could finish writing my story.)
  3. Funny. We laughed together a LOT while she was pecking on her keyboard.

Thank you for joining us today Pennie! We’ve enjoyed getting to know you. And readers, to find out more about Pennie and Linda, check out the book blurb and bio below. Then, click the link below to get your copy of Candy Cane Wishes and Saltwater Dreams!


 When the Lakeshore Homeowner’s Association threatens to condemn the cabin Pennie Vaughn inherited from her foster mother, her only hope of funding the needed repairs lies in winning a travel blog contest. Trouble is, Pennie never goes anywhere. Should she use the all-expenses paid Hawaiian vacation offered to her by her ex-fiancé? The trip that would have been their honeymoon?



USMC veteran Linda Fulkerson became interested in writing while working as a copyeditor and typesetter at a small-town weekly newspaper. She has since been published in several magazines and newspapers, including a two-year stint as a sports writer. Linda is the author of two novels and seven non-fiction books, four of which are coloring books for writers. In 2020, she purchased Mantle Rock Publishing’s backlist as well as acquiring all MRP’s future contracts and founded Scrivenings Press LLC.

Her first book, The Prodigal Daughter (Petit Jean Press), was published in 2003. At that time, Linda was introduced to the world of book marketing and blogging. She soon became a blog coach and marketing consultant, launching the popular instructional blog, On Blogging Well.

While living in Texas, Linda was the online editor of the Killeen Daily Herald and director of digital services for the largest media group in Central Texas. Soon after returning to her home state of Arkansas in 2013, she launched her own digital services company, which focuses on helping authors, speakers, and small business owners develop an effective online presence. Her Ideas to Books brand offers coaching and self-publishing assistance for indie authors. She also owns a graphic design business, Book Marketing Graphics, which builds author websites, designs book covers, and produces video book trailers.

She and her husband, Don, live on a ten-acre plot in central Arkansas. They have four adult children and eight grandchildren. She and Don are part of an RV ministry group that travels to various locations around the United States, providing volunteer labor to small churches, church camps, children’s homes, and other organizations. When she’s not working or writing, Linda enjoys photography, travel, and spoiling her two dachshunds.

Linda speaks to small business owners and writers’ groups on a variety of marketing-related topics, such as blogging, social media management, and website development. To learn more about Linda, visit her website at

(Someday she hopes to slow down long enough to get a professional headshot made.)



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