It's Coming!

In just one month, Grasping Hope will be released. Currently, I’m working hard to finish the final read-through for the publisher. It’s slow going, since it has to be read out loud. But the end is in sight, and the practice will leave me with a book that’s as error free as possible.
I’ve also received the first cover mock-ups. There are a few finishing touches, but I hope in the next week to have the cover to reveal to everyone! I can’t wait for you to see it! What I’ve seen is beautiful.
I’m also working hard planning my book launch party. With a quirky fifties vibe, it should be a lot of fun. Plus, I’m going to serve mini root beer floats. How could it be anything less than fun with root beer floats and cupcakes made to look like soda fountain milkshakes?
I’ll be back on Wednesday with a guest Write Stuff Wednesday blog. Until then, it’s back to work doing the last read through of my manuscript.

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  1. Brenda Gates says:

    Can’t wait to get a copy!