Full Of Character with Hope Toler Dougherty
Today I have the pleasure of interviewing Hope Toler Dougherty, author of Rescued Hearts, Irish Encounter, and Mars...with Venus Rising. Keep reading after the interview…
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Faith’s Journey on Tour
I'm excited to announce Faith's Journey is on its first blog tour with Celebrate Lit. I'll admit I'm also a bit nervous. Why? Authors know…
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My People
When I arrived at Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference I felt out of my element. The idea of a large gathering of writers of…
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NaNoWriMo or NO
Writers, both experienced and beginners, are gearing up for the start of NaNoWriMo in just two days. I've never participated in the event, but I…
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Exciting New Endeavor
It has been a busy week. Last Saturday, I made the trip to Kentucky to meet with two authors I met at a conference over…
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