Main Character Monday: Princess Glory Toppenbottom from Tatterhood
On this Main Character Monday interview I’m joined by Princess Glory Toppenbottom from Tatterhood. Tatterhood, author Dawn Ford’s newest book, releases Tuesday, January 28th from ScrivKids, an imprint of Scrivenings Press. This is the third in the Band of Unlikely Heroes series for middle grade readers, but don’t let that stop you. I recently read the first in the series and found it a lot of fun. And I haven’t been in middle grades for, well, for a while. Before we begin, I have to say, I’m loving these speculative genre interviews. These characters are so much fun to interview. You never know what’s going to happen next.
Without further ado, let’s jump into the interview. Princess Glory Toppenbottom, thank you for joining us. Will you, please, tell us a little about yourself
“Must I?” Glory glares are the author. Said author patiently nods her head. “Okay, fine. I’m fairy royalty, the daughter of Queen Stella Toppenbottom, rule of the Shining Land. I used to be the most beautiful creature in the Wilden Lands, the world I live in,” she glares at her author from beneath her tattered hood, “Until this one had an evil fiend named the Erlking mesmerize me, trick me, and then hex my beauty away.” Glory sighs loudly for effect. “Since then, I’ve been on a mission to get my beauty returned to me, no matter the cost.”
Wow. That sounds like you’ve been through a lot. I hope your quest is successful. Tell me something about you that readers may find surprising.
“Besides the fact that I’m a musical savant? I never wanted to be queen. Bending my will to serve a kingdom and caring for our citizens’ benefit does not suit me.”
If helping others isn’t appealing to you, what drives Princess Glory Toppenbottom into action?
“Besides my own desires? I, as a fairy, cannot survive without my beauty. Not only is the hex making me go mad, it just isn’t done—hexing fairies. Who does the Erlking think he is? I’m much more clever than he. Just you wait and see.”
I know you’ve said the needs of others doesn’t motivate you, but if you could solve one world problem, which one would you solve?
“Uh, duh. Getting my fairy beauty back. Not only would it benefit me, but it would allow others to adore me as they did before. Beauty does make the world go round after all.”
That is a unique outlook on life. You’ve mentioned your quest to beat the Erlking and get your beauty back. Where I’m from, those who practice the Christian faith are called to love their enemies. How do you think your world would be different if people loved their enemies?
“Ew, seriously? Love that horrid troll princess? Only if she’ll use my imperial potion to transform her warts. Then I’ll consider it.”
A troll princess? I didn’t expect that. Sounds like you have more than one enemy to deal with. Good to know. There is a verse from the writings of my faith that says, ”Through patience a ruler can be persuaded, and a gentle tongue can break a bone.”– Do you think a person practicing patience can have the power to change the powers that be?
“Patience is key in getting things done, I agree. It is what has allowed me the ability to scheme. I’m a fan of it.”
Um. Well, I’m glad you see patience as a virtue. Not sure that was the intent of the verse, but whatever. Oh, you have to go finish your story? Then, you’ll come back to speak with us some more? Sounds great.
Princess Glory Toppenbottom has returned to finish her interview with us. Her story has completed, and Glory has learned a bit about what kind of damage her selfish schemes can cause. Princess, is there an event, person, or belief that has shaped who you are more than any other?
“Watching my sister’s face when she realized what I’d done, and witnessing the Erlking punish my mother for my misdeeds, was my undoing. Regaining my beauty was no longer important. People and their trust are more important. I see that now.”
So, now, if you could leave readers with one message, what would it be?
“Lies, anger, and selfish motivations only lead to your own downfall, and possibly the downfall of others you love. It’s not worth it.”
That is a very important message for all of us. Thank you for sharing it. I know it is never easy to share lessons we learn from our biggest mistakes. Before you go, I’d like to ask you a few just for fun questions. If you could buy one thing, without worrying about the cost, what would you buy?
“A potion to restore me to my original fairy beauty. It was unsurpassed, after all.”
What is one thing that is always on your grocery shopping list?
“Sweetsuckle flowers. They’re delicious.”
Apples or Pears? “Both in a honeyed sauce.”
Indoors or Outside? “Outside in the sun.”
Reading or Writing? “Playing music.”
And one final question before we tell readers more about Dawn Ford and your story, Tatterhood. If you could describe Dawn Ford in just three words, what would they be?
“Heinous for taking me on such a vile journey. I’d place her in magicuffs and leave her in a dank dungeon for creating such an awful storyline for me. She needs counseling.”
I guess all it takes is one word then. Thank you for joining us today Princess Glory. It’s been a great interview, and I know readers are now ready to hear more about your story and the author who brought you to life.
Winner of the 2016 ACFW Genesis Award and finalist in the 2018 Grace Award and the 2020 Great Expectations Contest, Dawn has been recognized for her published and non-published works. Her flash fiction stories have been published in Havok magazine under both her real name and pen name, Jo Wonderly. Her debut novel, Knee-high Lies, was published in 2017.
As a child, Dawn often had her head in the clouds creating scenes and stories for anything and everything she came across. She believed there was magic everywhere, a sentiment she has never outgrown. Nature inspires her, and her love for the underdog and the unlikely hero colors much of what she writes.
Dawn adores anything Steampunk, is often distracted by shiny, pretty things, and her obsession with purses and shoes borders on hoarding. Dawn lives in Iowa and helps her husband run their foodservice and catering business out of Omaha, Nebraska. When not reading, writing, or catering, Dawn loves babysitting her grandchildren, is parent to Snickers the Wonder Beagle, and can usually be caught daydreaming.
You can learn more about Dawn Ford at her website:
Troll Princess Horra Fyd and young druid Rowan team up to reverse the evil Erlking’s spells and save the creatures across the Wilden Lands. However, Fairy Princess Glory Toppenbottom is still a thorn in Horra’s side. After Horra and Glory have a heated fight, Glory sneaks out of the castle. She is bent on finding the Erlking to reverse the hex he cast on her. This creates a political disaster when the Glory’s sister announces she’s coming to retrieve Glory.
Angered by Horra’s treatment of a royal guest, King Fyd proclaims Horra to be Queen Bearer. She becomes the ad hoc ruler, freeing her father from the scandal. Shocked, Horra assents. Her first move is to find the missing fairy princess before it becomes an interkingdom war. They form a search party and leave.
The Erlking stalks their every move. When the only choice points them toward the Riven, a cursed hidden land, they don’t hesitate. They find Glory is already there, but are immediately separated. The trio find the Riven is nothing like anyone imagined. Will they survive the Erlking’s magical traps, or will they, like everyone else, perish within its borders?
The first three chapters of Tatterhood are available for you to read for free. Read the free chapters.
Today only, you can save $1 off the regular ebook price during the pre-order sale of Tatterhood.
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