Main Character Monday Interview: Freefalling
Main Character Monday Interview with Serenity from Freefalling
Welcome to this week’s Main Character Monday interview. Today I have the pleasure of introducing Serenity from Freefalling, the newest release from author J. L. Burrows. Serenity, let’s start off getting to know you. Why don’t you tell us a little about yourself
I could tell you what Providence Providential allows me to say. I’m blessed to be a citizen under the dome serving my years of giving back as a teacher before entering the workforce they’ve assigned me. I might even tell you, I’m excited to soon meet the person I’m assigned to partner with. Even writing those words tastes bad on the back of my tongue. But after my recent experiences, with so much hanging in the balance, I frankly don’t care what Providence Providential allows me to say. Drones need to be defied. The red eye needs to be blinded. The Commander needs to be dethroned. Because Providence Providential is using its people as its first line of defence for its lies. We aren’t committed to acceptance and understanding or even community. It’s simple. We are committing to a form of erasing when we allow even one citizen to be reconditioned–chemically brain washed.
That seems a little extreme. What makes you believe your government is doing something so heinous?
Look at the students when they return. Oh. Is it uncomfortable to see the results of forcibly taking one’s fight away?
If it spoils in the light, if we shy away from it, then it is not good. And we should destroy what is not good.
They erased my entire family for one “reason” or another. I stand alone under the dome with no one to call my own. Maybe that’s what made the difference to me. Maybe it was Grandfather’s quiet time before bed each night, as he raised me in my mother’s absence. But I know now, after Mother’s secret message hidden in Shea’s programming, that my grandfather was right. Her command to search for the truth, to trust no one–it was like my world pivoted on its axis, and suddenly the shackles of the dome’s lies fell away. I could see the lack of truth. And now, I have to find it.
Wow. I can’t imagine a world like the one you live in. It sounds like your life has really opened up with some difficult truths and choices. You’ve given us great insight into what you’re dealing with and why, but let’s get personal. What is one thing about you that readers may find surprising?
I never wanted to be a hero.
Okay. Maybe you figured that out.
Something even more surprising. I’m terrified.
What is going to happen next? My story is just beginning. This choice to leave everything I know is both an absolutely right choice, but also the scariest, most death-defying thing I’ve ever done. How does one go from falling in line, keeping their head down, to facing an enemy a million times more cunning and lethal? What I’m facing is insanity. In fact, if I think too long about it, I want to curl into a ball and cry. But that won’t take me to the end of what I’ve started.
So, I have to take this next step and see where it will take me. Close my eyes and leap.
I will surely die. That’s the truth of it. The Commander or Providence Providential reconditions anyone who dares to question them.
I’ve probably only delayed my execution.
But the truths I’ve found to this point, the weaponized insect army, the whisper of truth from Mack–even thinking about his name makes my heart flip flop. There are so many things I’ve uncovered that I realize this thing I’ve fallen into is worth sacrificing my life. Someone has to do it.
Losing an entire family like I have makes it crystal clear to me that nothing will stop the losses until someone dares to stand.
What drives you to action?
Okay, so I answered that in the previous answer.
“You should answer every question, Serenity. It’s an interview–an honor.” Shea’s voice warns in my ear.
“Shea, I’m not, not answering it. I’ve already included it in my previous answer.”
“Think of your students. Would you take a previous answer for a number two or three on the page when it is not number one?” Shea’s tone is shifting to a touch of chastisement.
“Shea, you, in fact, are ruining the interview with your interruptions. They are here to hear from me, not you. If you would just let me continue, please.” Exasperation fills my voice.
I dearly love Shea, but AI, no matter how good, really struggles to move from the literal to read instead the nuance of a scenario. I’m sincerely sorry for her interruptions.
To calm Shea down—
“I need no calming.” Shea’s voice intrudes again.
I’ll just keep going and answer this question before she short circuits.
“I have never short-circuited in my life.”
“You are not alive.”
“How rude. I’ll not help you again during your interview that you and you alone understand the nuance regarding.”
Excellent. And to answer your question, love drives me to action. I fight for the people I love, but I also fight for the people others love. No one should have to see their family disappear. Or watch their students taken over a slight infraction. No one should hold all the power and disregard the needs of the people.
Providence Providential has gone too far, taken their power and used it for individual gain. It’s time we the citizens stop them.
Wow. How about warning a girl next time? I had no idea you had an AI, um, friend with you on the interview. I could have prepared some questions for Shea. But since I didn’t know and it seems you’ve got Shea under control, we’ll continue. I agree that love can be a great motivator. I have a feeling I know the answer to this next question, but I’ll ask it anyway. If you could solve one world problem, which one would you solve?
Only one. I would have everyone know the Truth grandfather spoke of. Because so many sit in a web of lies that thicken and choke their minds.
That was not what I expected. So, I’m glad I asked. I imagine if everyone knew the Truth, a lot of other problems would change too.Where I’m from, many know about two sisters named Mary and Matha. Mary is very relational in her faith. Martha has a boots on the ground kind of faith. Would you consider yourself more a Mary, spending time with the one you believe in or a Martha, out there putting your faith into practice
I can’t even imagine how wonderful it must be to have a sister. It’s strange to imagine them being so different, and this word, faith, makes no sense to me.
That said, my recent actions indicate I’m a boots on the ground kind of person. Right now, my belief in a truth just outside of our current culture has me risking everything, so I’m definitely putting what I think into practice. So I must be a Martha.
From what you’ve already shared with us, I’d have to agree. You seem very action oriented.There is a verse from the writings of my faith that says, ”Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.” James 1:27 – Do you think living out this verse would make a difference in your world? How?
Such strange words. They remind me of my grandfather’s poetry. However, visiting orphans and widows when they are hurting and suffering should be the job of a healthy and working society.
Now that you mention it, I realize that Providence Providential sweeps these members of our society away. I don’t know where they go, or what they do with them. One day they are there and the next gone. It makes my heart hurt to wonder what is actually happening. Let it be another reason we fight the dome.
“What about the other part of her writing? You only answered the first part of the question, Serenity.” Shea’s tone was much kinder now.
“Thank you, Shea.”
I’m uncertain what you mean by unspotted by the world. I think this writing, the book that it comes from, might be the exact item I’m searching for. It sounds like it holds the truth I so desperately seek. And the idea of remaining unspotted hits me as true and necessary. It reminds me of what the Academy tells the students and teachers versus what is actually going on. Maybe it refers to the deceit. Maybe it is referring to the things I’ve learned from Mack. Either way, I believe it is important to remain how your writing says, “unspotted from the world.”
“Excellent answer, Serenity. I am certain you are right.”
“It doesn’t seem like a right or wrong answer, Shea.”
“Nevertheless, you answered the question fully, and that makes your answer correct.”
If only life were that simple. “Thank you, Shea.”
With Shae, this Mack person you’ve mentioned a couple of times, your grandfather, and the government all speaking into your life, is there one of them or an event or belief that has shaped who you are more than any other?
The teachings of my grandfather, losing my family one by one, and witnessing the taking of my two students for reconditioning.
I can see why each of those would be life-changing for you. You’ve shared so much with us about your world and the choices you’re facing. I have just one more serious question for you. If you could leave readers with one message, what would it be?
Search for the truth. It will set you free.
“That’s what your mother said in your message. You should answer the question for yourself.” Shea, my constant AI companion, didn’t know when to just let me live my life.
Others set in place everything we carry in our hearts, the big lessons and takeaways. Those messages that take on life and grow inside of us often come from outside, a parent, grandparent, or the small whisper in one’s heart. But I do not believe that we come to great wisdom or discernment. We don’t learn lessons or find our life’s message alone or through our own devices. So, yes, this is my mother’s message to me, but it is a good message. A message others must know and carry in their own lives.
“I see. I shall think on that.” Shea grew silent
Now, I’d like to let readers get to know you from some of the less impactful things you enjoy. If you could buy one thing, without worrying about the cost, what would you buy?
A lifetime supply of coffee. My recent choice to leave the protection of the dome has limited my access to the comforts of the dome. I don’t regret my decision. But I miss coffee. Oh, and bagels. Frankly, a home. I digress.
What is one thing that is always on your grocery shopping list?
Oh, no. I’ve answered a question with a previous question. Rather than upset Shea.
“I do not get upset. I’m level-headed. Always. It’s in my programming.”
I’ll just answer with coffee. I realize now that maybe you wanted me to list something much larger and possibly inaccessible. There is a segment of housing that is for those in politics. Another teacher, Jin, lives there, and I passed his home at one point. I would like to change my previous answer to a home like Jin’s and use the last answer here.
“You can’t just rearrange their questions like that.” Shea sounded quite offended.
“I’m not rearranging, just correcting my mistake.”
“I see. That is understandable.” Shea said.
Answer the following with whatever jumps out at you first. Apples or Pears? No idea what these are.
Indoors or Outside? Outside
Reading or Writing? Reading
And finally, if you had to describe J. L. Burrows in only three words, which words would you choose?
Terrifying, loving, wise.
Thank you for joining me today, Serenity. And you too, Shea. It was great meeting you both, and I look forward to learning more about you in Freefalling. But before I do that, I want to let our readers know a bit more about your story, J. L. Burrows, and where to find Freefalling.
Under the Dome, peace reigns … forcefully.
One hundred and eighty years in the future, the U.S. government eradicates warfare and violence.
Serenity should feel safe, but she doesn’t.
Serenity Knowles knows two things for certain. Finishing her government assigned community service as a teacher is mandatory in order to start her adult life. And stopping those in power from reconditioning two of her favorite students will ruin her chances at a future and a life.
Everything she thought she once knew to be true, suddenly is now in question after her typically peaceful girls fight in plain view of everyone at school. The Federal Bureau of Acceptance storms in and collects them both for reconditioning—chemical brain washing. With no one to help, Serenity is driven into a wild rescue and escape plan. The girls can’t be made into shadow children, brainwashed and limited to a menial future.
All that stands between the overreaching government and her girls is Serenity’s budding faith, a furry beast companion, her modified illegal AI, and a ragtag group of men and women set against the use of cutting edge technology and genetically modified bio-weapons on citizens under the Dome. If any of them get caught, they will be reconditioned. If they don’t move fast enough, the girls will be lost. If she doesn’t become a hero, any hope of a real future will be forfeit.
In her transformation from a teacher with a broken family to a radical defector leading a team of rebels, Sere discovers America’s deadliest threat—its own government.
Connecting with J. L. Burrows:
Jennifer Burrows has a message in her heart about God’s love, and she’s shared that when she was a musician in her father’s church, as a missionary to underprivileged children in a third world country, and as a wife who stood by her husband through terminal brain cancer that God miraculously healed.
Now, she’s sharing God’s powerful love through the art of fiction, pouring herself into edifying and helping other writers, and teaching others how to use faith in the face of adversity. Jennifer teaches in the greater Nashville area where she lives with her husband and their two children. Get to know Jennifer better at, or connect with her on social media
The Conversation
Fascinating interview!
And such a gifted author.
Yes, she is.