Main Character Monday Interview: Tangled Promises
Welcome to another Main Character Monday interview! Today, I’m chatting with Clara Reinhold from Tangled Promises by Lynn Watson. Tangled Promises is Lynn’s debut novel, and it releases on May 21st.
Welcome Clara. Let’s start with you telling me a bit about yourself.
My brother, Curt, is seven minutes older than me. Ja, we’re twins born in Germany in 1855. We’re the oldest of The Baron Kraig Reinhold and his wife Lydia’s children. We have three younger siblings, Hannah, seventeen, Emmaline, thirteen, and Wilhelm who is almost eleven. I love children and reading a variety of stories and fairytales. Today I feel like I’m living the story of Romeo and Juliet meets Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolff. Daniel, our family carriage driver, will forever be the one I love.
That is quite the mash-up of stories. Makes me wonder who the big bad wolf is in your tale. Tell me something about you that readers may find surprising?
You won’t learn this about me in Tangled Promises, but I love to play marbles. Growing up, Curt and I and the other children in Gut Apfelhof spent hours competing. I usually won. Sitting on the ground in long gowns and petticoats is not a very ladylike endeavor, our seamstress, my maid, and and my Mutti (mom), complained much about the damage inflicted upon by my dresses and slippers.
It’s been forever since I played marbles, but even then, I didn’t have a dress and slippers to worry about ruining. What is your favorite book in the New Testament and why?
I’ve always loved the grace by faith message of Ephesians, and endeavored to obey and honour my Vati and Mutti like Paul penned in chapter six, trusting God’s promise that if I did, I would live a long life on earth. At the moment, I find myself wondering why my Vati (dad) is provoking me to wrath by promising my hand to the awful Georg Wolff. I wouldn’t want to live a long life with that character at all.
Ah, I think the big, bad wolf may be getting clearer. And I can see why, especially knowing you love another, honoring your parents might be a bit harder in your circumstances. It kind of reminds me of Gideon. God called Gideon to lead his army. Gideon didn’t believe he could, but he trusted and did as God asked. Have you ever felt like you weren’t equipped to do what God asked you to do? What did you do?
If Vati cannot be convinced to change his mind about me marrying Georg, trusting God in that situation will be the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do. I wonder if it’s God’s will or just my Vati’s. It’s so hard to trust for God’s best. I keep praying asking Him if He sees my predicament.
I can’t wait to read your story to find out whether or not your father changed his mind and how you reacted if he didn’t. I might feel immensely under equipped in that situation too.
Micah 6:8 says, “He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” Is there one of these you find easier to accomplish? Is one harder?
Georg. You’ll meet this despicable man early in my story. When he behaves terribly toward me and others over and over again, I admit my desire to turn the justice part to vengeance on my part.
For you to call him despicable, he must be truly awful. I can see where doing justice would be difficult when dealing with someone like that. If you could leave readers with one message, what would it be?
In our Gut Apfelhof community,we all, commoner and nobility alike, grew up together and have always been best friends, treating one another with love, care and respect. My current circumstances and my Vati’s reaction to them would indicate the rules, the traditions of nobility that declare some worthy and others not, are the most important thing to consider. I would like readers to remember that God loves everyone the same. No one is better than another or more worthy than another no matter their station.
That is a great lesson to remember. And I can’t wait to read Tangled Promises to find out more about your life, your love, and your struggle to honor your parents in the face of disappointment. Now, before we end this interview, I’d like to ask some just for fun questions.
If you could have one exotic pet, what would it be?
Oh, I’d love to have a bright blue and yellow parrot. I’d name her Cecile, because among the name’s many meanings, it is an expression of compassion, kindness, and beauty in a world that applauds outer appearances above all else. Georg is all about appearances and regales everyone bragging about his privileged life. Secretly, I’d want to teach Cecile some not so kind comebacks. Sadly, that wouldn’t be very kind of her, though, would it?
Maybe not, but it is understandable. If you could travel through time, would you?
Only in stories. In my reading and studies, I have discovered no matter our trials, throughout history, people have always had problems and most of them far worse than the difficult expectations that have been placed on me. I might enjoy a glimpse into the future to learn if God has a beautiful outcome for my alarming present dilemma.
That is a great outlook to keep. Though, I have to agree. Sometimes getting a glimpse of how things will turn out could be nice.
Sunrise or sunset? Sunrise
Chocolate or Vanilla? Vanilla
No electricity or no plumbing?
Living here in rural Germany in 1881, that’s a difficult question to answer. We’re all very excited that the convenience of electricity will soon be a part of our lives. I hope I never have to give up our flushing water closet.
One final question, Clara. Can you describe Lynn Watson in only three words?
Loyal, Authentic, Purple
That’s a unique answer. I don’t think anyone has ever answered with a color before. But, knowing Lynn, it is fitting. Thank you for spending some time with us today on this Main Character Monday interview.
And now for a bit about your author, Lynn U. Watson.
Lynn U. Watson is a devotional writer, occasional quilter, reflexologist, and great-great-grand-daughter of a baron from Southwest Germany. Lynn combines her passions and her heritage Stepping Through Time Stitching Stories of Faith.Snippets of her family story inspire her fiction writing. She and husband, Steve, make their home in Bartlett, TN, where Jasmine the resident feline considers herself Princess of the Palace.
Readers, if you’re as intrigued as I am about Clara’s story, you can pre-order your copy of Tangled Promises today. Use the link below to do so. Also, Lynn is giving away a prologue to anyone who pre-order the story. I’m also including the link to claim that gift below.
In addition to what promises to be a great story and a fun free gift, Lynn is hosting an online party for her book on June 11th. Though not necessary to join in the fun, reading the prologue will help this online “charades” party make more sense. If you’d like more information on how to join the party, follow Lynn on social media.
Preorder your copy of Tangled Promises.
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The Conversation
Thanks, Heather, for hosting Clara and I today.
It was a pleasure. I’m looking forward to Tangled Promises.I remember when you first told me about it when we shared a room at that conference.