Main Character Monday: Interview with Ty Dunne
Welcome to Main Character Monday, where today I’m sharing my interview with Ty Dunne. Ty is the main character from Amy R. Anguish’s newest release, Window of the Heart. This book is the third in a series of novels spanning from the 1920s to the dystopian future (to be released in December). It follows the Dunne family and a family heirloom stained-glass window through the years. Window of the Heart is the contemporary romance in the series, and I am excited to speak with Ty today. Welcome Ty.
Let’s start off with an easy one. Can you tell us a bit about yourself?
I don’t think I’m too terribly complicated. I mean, I’m fairly easy-going. I love my family, love our heritage and history, and love my convertible. I do find it hard to be on time, but I had to have one imperfection, right?
Doesn’t everyone. If being late is your only one, I think you’re doing better than most of us. Tell me something about you that readers may find surprising?
I double-majored in Business and Design. The business was for my dad. The design was for me. I love helping people make a room or home their own.
I can understand why that would be rewarding. Everyone needs a place to call their own. Next question. What is your favorite book of the Old Testament?
Am I allowed to say Song of Solomon? Just kidding! Seriously, though, that’s a tough one. I probably haven’t studied the Old Testament enough to give a thorough answer, but let’s go with II Samuel. It has lots of stories about David, and he’s one of the best.
Is there a book of the Bible you have trouble getting through?
Leviticus. And basically, all of the prophets.
Those laws can be a little tedious to read sometimes. If you could meet anyone from scripture, excluding Jesus, who would it be?
Peter. When we first meet him, he has this issue with just blurting things out. I want to ask him how he moved past that and overcame it. Because I might need help in that area sometimes.
Jesus had twelve disciples. Which one are you most like?
See answer above.
Okay. I can see where I deserved that bit of snark. I should’ve seen that coming. Jesus says we are to be His light in the world. What does this mean to you?
Lately, it means showing His love. The true meaning of love, not just what the world says it is. Because a lot of people get confused about that, especially my new friend Lennox.
Lennox? It might be nice to meet her too sometime. Maybe you can arrange that for me. But for now, if you could leave readers with one message, what would it be?
Don’t judge a person by your first meeting. Sometimes people don’t come across well in the first half hour (especially if he’s running late). Get to know him a little more and see if maybe he’s not as bad as you think he is.
Somehow, I think there’s a story there. But, sadly, we have to move on to our fun questions. I guess readers will have to check out your story to find out more about what inspired this answer. If you could have a superpower, what one would you choose?
Being two places at once would’ve been super helpful this year. Trying to work my real job and repair the family chapel was not easy at times.
If offered the opportunity would you choose to travel in space?
Hmm. Probably not. As much as some people think my head is in the clouds, I prefer driving a fast car to being out where there isn’t any oxygen or gravity.
Fair enough. Dark or Milk Chocolate? Milk. I’m not complicated.
Roses or Daisies? Roses now that I’ve seen someone else admiring them.
Salad or Soup? I guess soup. Salad never seems filling enough.
One final question. How would you describe Amy R. Anguish using only three words?
Laid-back, disorganized, faithful
I’d like to thank you, Ty for joining me today. Readers, thanks for checking out this Main Character Monday interview with Ty Dunne. I encourage you to keep reading. It’s time to find out a bit about the author, Amy R. Anguish and Window of the Heart.
About Amy R. Anguish:
Amy R Anguish grew up a preacher’s kid, and in spite of having lived in seven different states that are all south of the Mason Dixon line, she is not a football fan. Currently, she resides in Tennessee with her husband, daughter, and son, and usually a bossy cat or two. Amy has an English degree from Freed-Hardeman University that she intends to use to glorify God, and she wants her stories to show that while Christians face real struggles, it can still work out for good.
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Learn more about her books at
And check out the YouTube channel she does with two other authors, Once Upon a Page (
More About Window of the Heart:
Lennox Malone may not believe in love, but she’s determined to do the best job she can as her friend Sara Beth’s maid of honor. Problem is, the man in charge of fixing up the chapel doesn’t match her determination. Fighting against preconceived notions, a past that catches up to her, and an attraction she wants nothing to do with, this wedding is turning into more than she can handle.
Ty Dunne might be laid back and easy-going, but he’s determined to make sure the chapel is ready for his cousin’s wedding. Not only is it his duty as best man, but he wants to preserve the family’s history in the building. If only he could live up to his family’s other expectations—or those of Lennox Malone, the fiery redhead he can’t stop thinking about. Before he can go any further with her, though, he has to convince her that love is real and worth the risk.
Lennox has built her walls high and sturdy, but Ty is determined to find a way in—even if it’s a window. Maybe the history of the chapel itself along with the romance of a wedding will help.
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