Liesl Schrader Interview: Main Character Monday

Today, I have the pleasure of interviewing Liesl Schrader on Main Character Monday. Liesl is the main character from Ellen E. Withers’ book, Show Me Betrayal. Show Me Betrayal is the first book of the Show Me Mysteries series, and I am excited this book is finally out. I’m absolutely in love with this book’s cover, and I’m excited to read Liesl’s story. But this is a Main Character Monday. So, let’s get started with Liesl Schrader’s interview.

Liesl, tell us a little about yourself?

I grew up in Mexico, Missouri, raised by my great aunt and uncle, who took me in when my parents died. I was four years old when they gave me a home. When I grew up, I went to college in Houston and starting a writing career. I came back home when alerted my aunt was seriously ill.

After Aunt Suzanne passed, she left me her Victorian home and a mystery to solve about her death and a decades-old death of her best friend. Show Me Betrayal shares all the details of the teamwork and determination needed to investigate both mysteries.

I’ve moved back home and own the charming house where I was raised. It is a delight to live near my best friend, Nicole, again. I’ll continue to write, do good things to help people, and investigate any unsolved mysteries along the way.

As far as romance, there are two men I’m interested in. I invite you to stick around and see how that turns out.

I was a bit surprised to find out there is a Mexico, Missouri. But why don’t you tell us something about you that readers may find surprising?

I’m growing curious about my mother’s side of my family. I was so young when she and my father passed. Since my father’s aunt and uncle raised me and I’m surrounded by a million cousins in our town, I have a lot of family ties. Yet, none of them are associated with my mother. Perhaps I’ll consider that search a mystery and one day write a book about what I discover.

That sounds like a great plan. Of course, I always think writing is a great plan! If you could solve one world problem, which one would you solve?

A nurturing home environment for every child currently without a family would be my dream world problem to solve. Every child deserves to be raised in a safe and loving home. A “parent” doesn’t have to share flesh and blood with a “child.” I wish every family would consider adoption or fostering because the need is so great.

I have to agree. The need is great. And it takes some very special people to fill that need. Speaking of needs, the New Testament tells of Mary and Martha. Two sisters who react to a visit from Jesus in very different ways. Mary chooses to spend time with Him, while Martha chooses to take care of the physical needs. Are you more Mary or Martha?

I’m a Mary. I’d want to spend time with Jesus and hear his stories. As a writer, I can’t imagine a greater gift than being taught by Jesus. Anytime I can listen to someone’s stories about their life and experiences, it’s a blessing.

You’ve touched on this a bit already, but I’ve always loved this next verse. So, we’re going to revisit the topic. ”Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.” James 1:27 – Do you think living out this verse would make a difference in your life? How?  

As an orphan myself, I was blessed to be raised in a loving family committed to helping others. We were a little different from the standard definition of a family, but that didn’t matter. Aunt Suzanne and Uncle Max gave me the gift of a Christian home, an enormous amount of love, and taught me to always reach out to help others. With both of them now passed, it’s my mission to carry on their good deeds for others. A lot of what they gave was anonymous and I plan to carry on that tradition, as well.

Is there a verse of scripture that holds great meaning in your life?

Proverbs 19:17

“Those who are gracious to the poor lend to the Lord, and the Lord will fully repay them.”

That is a great one, and it goes well with the ones we’ve already discussed. You seem to have a giving and serving heart. I wonder if there is a message you’d like to gift our readers with today.

Help others. You will receive blessings beyond anything you could imagine when you offer help and lift others who are struggling. I believe he has called me to help people and to solve mysteries to bring peace to those damaged by a mystery.

Now my next questions are just for fun. Whatever comes to mind, just say it. If you could buy one thing, without worrying about the cost, what would you buy?

I would purchase what money can’t buy, which would be more time with Aunt Suzanne and Uncle Max. I will work to honor their memories in ways that give back to my community—anonymously.

What a great answer. I’m sure they’d be proud. What one hobby would you keep if you had to give up all other hobbies?

I’m a reader and always have been. I don’t think I could ever give up reading and listening to audiobooks.

I’m with you on that one. Now, these next are either or questions. 

Apples or Pears? Pears

Indoors or Outside? Outside

Reading or Writing? Both. My occupation is a writer, and I read every day.

Last question. How would you, Liesl, describe Ellen E. Withers in three words?LAST

Mystery solving partner

That is a great answer. And I’d like to thank you for joining me, Liesl. Readers, if you’ve enjoyed this Liesl Schrader interview for Main Character Monday, stick around. We’re about to learn more about her “mystery solving partner”, author, Ellen E. Withers. 


Ellen is an award-winning fiction writer, freelance writer and retired insurance
fraud investigator. She is excited about her mystery/dual-time series, Show Me
Mysteries, set in her picturesque hometown of Mexico, Missouri. Scrivenings Press
releases the first book of the series, Show Me Betrayal, May 16, 2023.
She is also proud to be one of three contributors to a Christmas novella collection
titled A Gift for All Time, due for release September 26, 2023, from Scrivenings Press.
Ellen is currently hard at work on a nonfiction book to help writers win writing
contests. Magic Words: Enchant Judges & Conjure Contest Wins for Novels, Short
Fiction and Nonfiction is scheduled for publication by Scrivenings Press March 2024.
More information about Ellen’s books, writing tips and guest author highlights
can be found at her website Her Facebook page is Ellen E.
Withers. Follow her column on how to win writing contests in Writers Monthly Magazine
When not writing or reading, Ellen enjoys spending time with her family,
traveling the world with her adventurous friends and performing with Top of the Rock
Chorus, a Sweet Adeline chorus in central Arkansas.



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    The Conversation

  1. Ellen Withers says:

    Thank you for featuring Liesl on your Main Character Monday feature.