Ivy Aaronson: Main Character Monday Interview
Ivy Aaronson is our guest today in this Main Character Monday interview. Ivy comes to us from Where Love is Planted, the story by Sarah Anne Crouch in the new novella collection, Love Delivered. Love Delivered releases on Valentine’s Day from Scrivenings Press. Keep reading after the interview for more information on Sarah, the Love Delivered novella collection, and where you can get your copy.
Let’s start with an easy one, Ivy. Tell me a little about yourself?
My name is Ivy, and I’ve been working at my mom’s flower shop in Trammel, Texas for as long as I can remember.
It seems your name is very fitting. You’ve left us a lot of blanks to fill in. So, why don’t you tell me something about you that readers may find surprising?
I once spent a year in New York City. It was certainly different from little Trammel, Texas!
I imagine that might have been a little bit of a culture shock. I’m getting the idea you may be a woman of few words. Let’s try something different. What is your favorite book in the New Testament and why?
I have a hard time choosing because my dad is a preacher and I’ve heard lots of good sermons about different parts of the Bible. But I often find myself returning to 1 John over and over again when I need comfort or encouragement.
I love 1 John, but let’s go back to the Old Testament for a moment. God called Gideon to lead his army. Gideon didn’t believe he could, but he trusted and did as God asked. Have you ever felt like you weren’t equipped to do what God asked you to do? What did you do?
I’m at a time in my life when God has called me to be patient and live quietly. It can be hard sometimes, but my family members are an excellent support system.
I’m glad you have that support. It does go a long way in helping us reach our goals. Speaking of goals, Micah 6:8 says, “He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” Is there one of these you find easier to accomplish? Is one harder?
Kindness and giving flowers go together so naturally. I get to witness people showing kindness to others every day. There are times, though, when life humbles me and I am reminded of how prideful I can be.
Interesting. I’ve never thought of flowers and kindness in quite that way. And I’m with you on the pride and humility thing.Those lessons do like to sneak up on us through circumstances when we least expect them. If you could leave readers with one message, what would it be?
Your life matters, no matter what you or anyone else says. God loves you for who you are, and your life is meaningful.
What a great message for everyone. Before I let you go, let’s go over a couple fun questions and then some rapid fire questions. If you could have one exotic pet, what would it be?
I was obsessed with flamingos when I was little, so that could be fun. But they like to live in flocks and would not do well in my tiny apartment!
Very true, If you could travel through time, would you?
No. I think I would become so obsessed with fixing all my past mistakes that I’d never live in the present again.
That is a very unique answer. It really makes you think. For these next questions, just give me your quick, gut reaction.
Sunrise or sunset? Sunrise
Chocolate or Vanilla? Vanilla
No electricity or no plumbing? No electricity for sure. I could live with candles.
One final question before I let you go. If you had only three words to describe Sarah Anne Crouch, what would they be?
Misguided plant killer. (She means well, but can’t grow anything but daffodils.)
What a great way to leave us with a smile on our faces! Although, I have to say, I relate well to her plant killing ways. Thank you, Ivy, for joining us today. Readers, please keep reading to learn more about Sarah and the Love Delivered novella collection.
More about Sarah:
Website: SarahAnneCrouch.
Facebook: Facebook.com/SarahAnneCrouch
Instagram: Instagram.com/SarahAnneCrouch
More About Love Delivered:
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Get your copy here: scrivenings.link/lovedelivered
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