Main Character Monday Interview: Emmie Becker
Welcome to another Main Character Monday Interview! Today’s guest is Emeline Becker from the novella Sugar and Spice by Heather Greer. Sugar and Spice is part of the Love in Any Season novella collection.
Before we begin today’s interview, I want to encourage readers to join in the Love in Any Season Social Media Scavenger Hunt beginning September 23, 2022. To celebrate the release of Love in Any Season, the authors are giving away one $60 Amazon gift card (US only). Clues will be given on 15 different social media posts, podcasts, and videos. Collect these clues and submit them by 11:59pm on October 4th for an entry into the drawing. To find out more, be sure to come back here next week. I will have a daily updated list of places to visit for the clues.
Now on to our interview. Emeline, please tell us a bit about yourself.
First, please, call me Emmie. I grew up in a fairy tale town right here in Missouri. I’m not joking. You should see the town. The architecture is beautiful German style all throughout. And every year in winter, we tap into our heritage with the Gingerbread Festival. It’s a celebration full of fun events every small town festival should have.
Can you share something readers might find unusual about you?
I’m the owner of the only bakery in town. While that isn’t overly unusual, it does create problems for me. I told you about the Gingerbread Festival. Well, I supply all that gingerbread. The unusual thing? I despise gingerbread. It’s practically torture to have it take over the Sugar and Spice bakery every December.
If you could solve one world problem, which one would you solve?
That is such a tough one. There are so many to choose from, so many hurting people. But my town is very family oriented. So, I think I would find good, Christian homes for all the children who need one. Give these kids their best start with love, stability, and faith.
The New Testament tells of Mary and Martha. Two sisters who react to a visit from Jesus in very different ways. Mary chooses to spend time with Him, while Martha chooses to take care of the physical needs. Are you more Mary or Martha?
Though I might trip over my own feet sometimes, I think I’m still more of a mover and doer. I need to work on slowing down and listening to God more. I mean, I do listen, but sometimes He has to catch me on the run. Know what I mean?
I think I do. ”Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.” James 1:27 – Do you think living out this verse would make a difference in your life? How?
I think this goes back to your earlier question about problem solving. I’ve been blessed to grow up in a place that tries to help those who need a little hand. Don’t we all need help at one time or another? That’s something I’m proud of New Kuchenbrünn for. Even in their fun festival time, they still think of others. Each year they host a Cookies for Kids event that provides food for families and gifts for children when their parents can’t. If we all looked at how we could reach beyond ourselves every day of the year, we’d all be better for it.
Is there a verse of scripture that holds great meaning in your life?
There are many verses that speak to me on a regular basis. One of my favorites, because it speaks to me as a baker, is Psalm 34:8, “Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good; Blessed is the man who trusts in Him!”
If you could leave readers with one message, what would it be?
It’s easy to let the negative things of the past influence who we are in the future. I’m learning how important it is to let God heal and when necessary, forgive. And for me, offering that healing and forgiving to others and myself is also important. Only then can I move forward into all the great things God has for me.
Next we’re going to do some Just for Fun and Rapid Fire questions. Here’s the first one. If you could buy one thing, without worrying about the cost, what would you buy?
The totally selfish answer would be a brand new state-of-the-art kitchen. Given the direction a lot of your questions have gone, though, I’d say provisions for needy families.
What one hobby would you keep if you had to give up all other hobbies?
Since baking is my job and not my hobby, I get to keep that one by default, right? This is hard. With my hours at the bakery, I don’t think I have a lot of hobbies. I do enjoy a great book though. I don’t think I’d give that up.
Apples or Pears? Apples.
Indoors or Outside? Both. Is that cheating?
Reading or Writing? Reading. My creativity is in the kitchen only.
If you had only three words to describe Heather Greer, what would they be? Story-teller, kindred spirit, and, hmmm, dreamer.
Thank you for joining us, Emmie. Readers, keep going for more on Sugar and Spice. And don’t forget to come back next week to enter the Love in Any Season Social Media Scavenger Hunt.
More on Sugar and Spice:
Emeline Becker, owner of Sugar and Spice Bakery, loves New Kuchenbrünn, except for the gingerbread. As the only bakery, she supplies the annual Gingerbread Festival with the one treat she can’t stand. It’s gingerbread everywhere!
Things get worse when Ryker Lehmann is hired as the festival photographer. He was her secret teen crush, her sister’s boyfriend, and witness to her worst humiliation. Plus, he broke her sister’s heart and bruised hers when he left town after graduation. Now, he’s back in town, determined to fix their friendship before the festival ends.
With gingerbread and Ryker together, can Emmie make it through the festival with her mind and heart intact?
Get Love in Any Season here:
The collection includes small town festivals and a lot of love. Spring Has Sprung by Regina Rudd Merrick. The Missing Piece by Amy Anguish. A Sweet Dream Come True by Sarah Anne Crouch. Sugar and Spice by Heather Greer.
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