Main Character Monday Interview with Jay Knight

Love in the Squared CircleWelcome to a very special Main Character Monday interview with Jay Knight from Love in the Squared Circle. My newest book, Love in the Squared Circle releases tomorrow, April 19, 2022, and I can’t wait for you to read it! Normally, I would have invited Jay’s mom, Trinity, or even professional wrestler, Blane Sterling, for an interview. But I fell in love with Jay as I wrote his part in the story, and I know you’re going to love him too. Jay, can you tell the readers a little bit about yourself?

My name is Jay Knight. I’m eight years old. One day my mom took me to meet Maverick. Maverick was my favorite wrestler. But I didn’t get to meet him. Only I did get to meet Maverick. But it was later. First, I got to meet Blane Sterling. He wasn’t my favorite wrestler. But he was the champion so that was so cool. And Blane was super nice. And he let me be the Champ in Training. And we went to church. And I got to be his partner. And it was lots of fun. 

Wow. Sounds like a lot happened when you met Blane. You said you went to church. Do you go to church a lot?

Mom takes me to church all the time. Sometimes she makes me wear collar shirts. I don’t like the collar ones, but sometimes I only have to wear one over my regular shirt. That’s okay. And I get to see David and Spencer. They’re my best friends. 

I’m guessing you also get to hear stories from the Bible and about Jesus. Do you have a favorite Bible story?

I like a lot of the stories. David likes ones about David. The teacher asked him why David. I was like, duh. They have the same name. I like David stories, but they aren’t my favorite. I asked my mom, but she says the Bible doesn’t have any Jays in it. So I have to pick a different favorite. It’s not easy like it is for David. Spencer has to choose too because there are no Spencers. He says he likes David too, but I think it’s only ‘cuz David likes David. Spencer always likes what David likes. But not me. I like someone else. I like Samson. Samson’s big like Blane. And he has long hair too, just like Blane. And Samson was strong. He fought off the enemies a lot. He was so good at it. I bet he woulda been champion if he ever wrestled. He did do something bad because of a mean girl, and he got captured. But God knew he was sorry and helped him defeat the enemy one more time. 

You know a lot about Samson. I can see why he’s your favorite. You said Samson did something bad. Do you ever do anything bad?

That’s silly. Everyone does bad stuff.

My mom told me that when David said superheroes are dumb. But they aren’t dumb. I love superheroes. I got mad and told him he couldn’t be my friend anymore. I said Spencer and I weren’t going to play with him because he was a baby who didn’t know superheroes are cool . He cried and told on me. I got in trouble. I didn’t mean to make him sad. I just wanted him to stop.

My mom said calling people names is wrong. God made everyone, and He loves everyone whether they like superheroes or not. She said we’re supposed to treat nice because God made them special. She said it makes God sad when we’re mean to each other. That made me sad. But mom asked me if I remembered Jesus dying on the cross. She said He did that because He knew I would do things that would make God sad. Everyone does wrong things. She said those bad things are sin, and God can’t be around sin. But Jesus died so God can forgive me for the wrong things I do. I asked God to forgive me, and mom showed me a verse in my Bible that says He did forgive me. I told David I was sorry too. Now, we’re friends again.

That sounds like a pretty important thing your mom taught you. Let me ask you something about when you were the Champ in Training. Did you ever get to meet your favorite wrestler when you were the Champ in Training?

Yeah. I did. Maverick came to breakfast one day. And I still like him. He’s really cool, and he does this thing when he comes into the ring and all the fireworks go off and everyone cheers. It’s so fun. But he’s not my favorite any more. I’m Blane’s partner now. So, he’s my favorite.

Now, I’m going to ask you some quick questions. You’re going to tell me your favorite out of each pair I mention. 

Batman or Spiderman? Spiderman, but I saw the Batman building and it was really cool.

Cookies or cake? Cookies. Cake’s good at birthdays, but I like chocolate chip cookies best.

Chicken Nuggets or Cheeseburger? Cheeseburger. But sometimes I like chicken nuggets too.

Extra fries in your kid’s meal or apple slices? I mean, I like apples and all, but fries. With lots and lots of ketchup.

Usually I ask guests to describe the author in three words. Instead of that, I’m going to ask you if there’s anything else you want to tell people about Love in the Squared Circle?

I hope everyone gets the book and reads it and finds out all about me being the Champ in Training. It was a lot of fun. Blane is like my best friend, but I won’t tell David and Spencer that. Well, maybe I could say he’s my best big friend. But everyone’s going to love my story. Oh, and there’s stuff about my mom and Blane in there too. But it’s gross kissing stuff, and I’m sure nobody wants to read about that. Yuck!

Thank you for joining me today, Jay, for a Main Character Monday Interview. I’m sure everyone is happy they’ve had a chance to meet you. And readers, if you’d like to find out more about Jay, his mom, and Blane, you can pre-order an eBook copy of Love in the Squared Circle today for the pre-order sales price of $3.99. The sale ends today because tomorrow is release day! And you can check out the first three chapters of the book for free at the link below.

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    The Conversation

  1. Donna Stearns says:

    Loved this interview-Jay is certainly a talker!