Wednesday in the Word: Seasons Come and Go

“While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease.” Genesis 8:22 ESV

It has begun. The annual war between summer people and autumn people.

Filling social media feeds everywhere are memes crying out for one last day in the pool, denouncing the likability of pumpkin spice anything, and criminalizing the early putting out of autumn decor in stores and on porches.

On the other side of the leaf covered fence are those memes praising the return of hoodies and flannel,  the first pumpkin spice (fill in the blank with any number of foods and drinks), and cooler temperatures and colorful leaves.

Spring and winter rarely get in on the action.

Winter gets a pass because of Christmas and New Years. Who doesn’t want a white Christmas? It’s what Hallmark movies are made of.

By the time spring has sprung, everyone is ready for the first blossoms to reach through the snow reminding us color does exist. They’re ready to shed layer after heavy layer of shirts and coats for a simply light jacket.

Fall to winter. Winter to spring. Spring to summer. They’re all friendly passers of the seasonal torch. Not like the bitter rivalry that takes place between summer and fall.

Personally, I live for fall. I love everything about it. I’m not built for heat, and summer saps my energy. The colors are great. The family friendly activities are wonderful memories. I do enjoy a good pumpkin or pumpkin spice whatever. Flannel is so comfortable. Hoodies are too. And nothing beats sitting on the porch each morning with a hot cup of tea, cider, or cocoa. Fall is so cozy!

I’m happy to see summer go, and I’d be thrilled to live in a place that was fall year round.

But we have seasons for a reason. And there are admirable aspects to each one.

Summer allows us to grow a variety of fruits and vegetables to enjoy at barbecues with our friends and family. Swimming and other water sports are best enjoyed when getting in the water won’t cause hypothermia. Oh, and ice cream and lemonade. I really don’t need to explain those.

Winter brings beautiful snow and the perfect reason to curl up with a good book. Hot cocoa and a plethora of Christmas cookies make the season sweeter. And Christmas lights, trees, music, and movies have their own special magic. Plus, from Thanksgiving to Christmas, people seem to practice a little more generosity.

Spring has its fun colors, new life, and warmer breezes. The sunshine is rejuvenating after long winter nights. And don’t forget petrichor. Don’t know what that is? You should look it up. You’ll breathe it in from memory when you read the definition.

As it is with our physical seasons, we often have our favorite seasons of life. Some are die-hard fans of pre-family years. Others believe childhood was the best it’s ever going to be. Retirement years beckon others.

And there are seasons within our seasons. Those awkward pre-teen years might be a rough spot in our childhood season. And the terrible twos of the season of family may make us yearn for the newlywed season of life.

Each season brings with it benefits and challenges to us physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Maybe you’re in a season that seems filled with unending challenges. The temptation is to look so much for the season to change that we fail to see the benefits of the one we’re in.

Problems also come when we focus so much on the challenges of the one we’re facing, discouragement and depression can set in. We don’t widen our focus enough to see it is only a passing season.

Let’s aim for balance. We can appreciate the benefits of the season we’re in while anticipating the day we cross into a new one that will free us from our current challenges. When we reach that new season, we may find the challenges it presents are easier for us to handle. Then again, maybe not.

It won’t matter though. As our new season begins, we will adjust our attitudes and continue having gratitude for the benefits of this new season while understanding that these new challenges we face are only with us for a little while. A little while longer and it will be time for the seasons to change again.

Let’s enjoy each season as they come, at least the ones in our personal lives. Because when considering summer, fall, winter, and spring, everyone knows the best one is always fall!

What’s your favorite season?



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