Full of Character Author Interview with Misty Phillip

I had the pleasure of meeting today’s guest at the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference in May. I got to know her through some shared workshops, and I enjoy following her posts on social media. I hope we have the opportunity to get together again at next year’s conference.

This being my first non-fiction author interview, I tweaked my questions a bit. I hope this interview gives you a little peek into Misty’s heart for God and the ministry He’s blessed her with.

1. As a non-fiction writer, you are the character readers want to know. Tell us a little about yourself.
First and foremost, I am passionately in love with Jesus! I have an amazing husband Peter, who is my best friend. We have three sons who have grown up way too fast! I am so thankful I left my corporate career from a Fortune 2 company to raise and homeschool my boys. Next year is our final year to homeschool after twenty years! 
When my eldest son started college, I began praying about what I would do once we finished homeschooling. After the painful loss of a child and a bicycle accident that  broke both of my arms I felt God calling me to write and speak. I surrendered to that call in 2016 and started a blog, and began writing and speaking. Which led to a podcast called BY HIS GRACE that launched on January 1, 2019, and a Bible Study entitled The Struggle is Real: But So is God launched in May 2019.
2. Everyone writes for someone. Can you describe the person you write for and why it’s important to you to write for them?
Knowing your audience is so important, and it took me a little bit of time to hone in on this. What I have discovered is I write for the person who has experienced difficult trials and is weary. Women that need encouragement and to be reminded that God has good for them and that He is with them in the battle. After many difficult years of back to back traumatic events, I began to feel discouraged, but I knew Jesus came that I would have abundant life. I started pouring over the scriptures, and the WORD OF GOD became my lifeline for hope. I don’t want anyone to feel discouraged and alone. I want them to know that through Jesus, anything is possible and that He is trustworthy.  
3. Can you think of a fictional character from books you’ve read that has impacted you more than any others?
Christianna deeply impacted me from Kay Arthur’s book, With an Everlasting Love. Christianna has to choose between living for today and trusting in the promise of enduring love. As a young person, I lived for myself and looked for anything but God to satisfy the longings in my heart that only He could fill, but God so rich in mercy in grace loves us with an everlasting love. 
4.Scripture is full of real people who had character to spare. Which one do you most relate to or enjoy reading about?
The Samaritan women at the well was a mess, but once she receives the living water from Jesus, her life is radically transformed. She immediately goes to everyone about her encounter. Jesus knew her sin, and he knows our sins too. Yet, He chooses to use flawed, sinful individuals to share his love with the world. No one is beyond His saving, and He will use us despite our past mistakes, and that gives me hope.
5.If someone wrote a movie about you, who would you like to play your character? Why?
I love this question, and I would like to answer by saying something like a beautiful brunette like Julia Roberts, but the truth is our outward beauty is fading. Only the things that are done for Christ will last, so I would want someone to play me that was passionately in love with Jesus! Because when people see me, I want them to know a woman who has been radically changed by the love of Jesus. 

I’d like to thank Misty for showing us a little bit of her world today. My interviews are conducted through email and reading Misty’s answers made me wish I was interviewing by phone! There were so many times I wanted to make comments or ask for further information. Her Bible study is definitely being added to my TBR list.

If you enjoyed this interview and would like to know more about Misty, head over to her website at MistyPhillip.com. You’ll find links to her podcast, blog, and Instagram. Plus, you can learn more about her Bible study, The Struggle is Real but So is God.

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    The Conversation

  1. Misty says:

    Thanks so much for hosting me. Pray it is a blessing to your readers.