What I'm Reading

middle-ages-1434434__480Though I usually focus on fiction, I do enjoy the occasional Christian non-fiction book. Today’s review falls into that category. A quick disclaimer. I haven’t finished the book. I’m about half-way through it. I was going to rush through, but I want to be able to take to heart the message of the book. So, instead, you’re getting a “what I’m reading” review instead of “what I read”. I hope you’re okay with that. It won’t happen often.
What is this book that has me wanting to take my time to internalize its message? Goliath Must Fall: Winning the Battle Against Your Giants by Louie Giglio. I picked it up from a local bookstore because I’ve always enjoyed watching his messages, but I’ve never read anything he’s written. I’m about half-way through the book, and I’m finding I enjoy his writing style as much as his speaking style.
Giglio uses the story of David and Goliath as the base for his message, but he starts with an unique twist to one’s understanding of the take-away of the familiar Biblical story. It doesn’t negate the way we tend to look at it, but it offers an enhancement to it that I had never considered.
Building from this new perspective, Giglio tackles the giants we face in our lives. Fear, anger, rejection, comfort, and addiction are all given time as giants in our lives keeping us immobilized like the Israelites before Goliath.
Giglio gives insight into how each giant can manifest itself in our lives, where the giant comes from, and the weapons we have in our arsenal to defeat it. Of course, the giant is, according to Giglio already defeated through no effort of our own. But a defeated giant can still be a deadly giant. And that is what we fight against.
With real life examples, scriptural examples, and down-to-earth language, Louie Giglio presents readers with the reality of spiritual battles in our physical lives and an understanding of the tools we can use in the fight. Giglio writes in a way that leaves the reader encouraged to join in the battle and finally see their giants fall.

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