Full of Character Interview & Giveaway 1

For the next few weeks, Main Character Monday is taking a vacation. Instead, I’m going to do Full of Character Author Interviews. I hope it’s a fun way for you to get to know new authors or get to know those you already know a little better.
I’m starting it off this week by answering the interview questions myself. Plus, I’m going to give away a copy of my book, Faith’s Journey. To enter, simply follow my blog and ask me a “getting to know me” question in the post comments. (You must be a US resident to enter) If you already follow, mention it when you post your question.  The winner will be drawn and announced next Monday.
What character from the books you’ve read has impacted you more than all the others?
I think Lance Michelli from the Michelli Family Series by Kristen Heitzmann has probably impacted me more than any other character. He has a heart to do the right thing, but he often struggles to figure out what that is. He wants God to use him and allows Him to do it in a big way, but he’s painfully aware of his failures. That gives me hope that God can still use me on the days when I feel more sinner than saint.
What character you created was the easiest to write? The hardest?
I’m not sure about the easiest, but I definitely have one that’s been the most fun to write. In Grasping Hope, the book I’m currently working on, I’ve got a grandmother character named GiGi B. She’s not your typical grandma. She’s quirky and full of sass and wisdom. It’s a blast writing scenes with her.
The hardest character for me to write would probably be Sharon, Katie’s mother, in Faith’s Journey. I have a wonderful relationship with my own mother. It’s nothing like the one Katie has with her mother. Writing that angst into their relationship while being careful not to leave you despising Sharon is probably what made her the hardest to write.
Scripture is full of real people who had character to spare. Which one do you most relate to or enjoy reading about?
There are so many that I love for different reasons. I’d love to be a Joshua or a Caleb, ready to take the land despite the obstacles. But maybe I relate more to Peter. Ready to step out of the boat, but when the time comes my eyes drift from my Savior and I start to sink. Or maybe Elijah. He saw God do some awesome things, but still he struggled with discouragement. I’ve definitely been there too.
Do you plan your characters and their backstories before you begin writing or are you as surprised by them as your readers?
I’m not a planner. I never have been. After my stories get going, I can go back and fill in the details a bit, but even then, it tends to happen organically through the story. I do, however, flesh out the physical attributes of my characters before I write. Usually, I choose someone from television or movies to model the person after.  The GiGi B character I spoke about earlier has the looks of Helen Mirren and the attitude of Flo from Mel’s diner.
If someone wrote a movie about you, who would you like to play your character? Why?
Stana Katic. I wish I could say it’s because we look so much alike! She’s a beautiful actress with a great deal of talent. But really, it’s just because I loved watching her in Castle. I think she could portray my personality with ease.
A Little More About Our Guest:
Heather Greer is a mom of four from Makanda, Illinois. Growing up as a pastor’s kid and now living as a pastor’s wife in small country churches, she has seen the good, the bad, and the ugly of ministry life. She’s directed a local Christian youth camp for teens since she was barely out of her teens herself, and she has a passion for encouraging believers in their faith through writing. When she isn’t busy blogging, reading, or writing, Heather enjoys baking and binge watching her favorite geeky shows and Hallmark movies.
Heather Headshot 5Faiths Journey
Get In Touch:
email: bythebook724@gmail.com
facebook: @AuthorHeatherGreer
twitter: @Heather_Greer1
Faith’s Journey can be purchased from Amazon, Barnes & Noble.com, and Booksamillion

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    The Conversation

  1. Hi Heather!
    I’d like to know how you juggle your writing commitments and your family? This is something I still struggle with. Thanks for the giveaway opportunity. I look forward to being your guest next week!!

    • bythebook724 says:

      That’s a tough one. Lately, I’ve felt limited in my writing. We’ve had some family issues that demanded my full attention and have left me exhausted in every way possible. It can be overwhelming. On those days, I do what I have to do (like keeping up with my blog) and not much else. But I’m realizing there are times when family must be attended to, and I can’t feel guilty for that.

  2. believe4147 says:

    What has been your greatest challenge in your own faith’s journey?

    • bythebook724 says:

      I think the hardest things to learn has been to give God the things I love the most and trust Him to bring the best out of every situation for me. Whether it’s giving Him my dreams, my ideas of what my life should look like, or my children, I need to trust He works in each circumstance whether it seems like any good can come from it or not.

  3. SARAH J TAYLOR says:

    Heather when did you realize you wanted to be a writer? See you next week on The fb launch Party and also thank you for the chance to win one of your books!