Main Character Monday #7



Welcome to Main Character Monday. It’s a little different than my regular blog posts, a little more lighthearted. But stick with it, and you just might find some characters you’d like to read more about. And even though it isn’t my usual devotional style, you may still come away with an encouraging word from the Word. I hope you enjoy Main Character Monday!


Today’s Guest is Becky Hollister  from Under This Same Sky  by Cynthia Roemer. Thank you for joining me Becky.

Could you please share with us your favorite Bible verse?

Yes. My favorite verse is Jeremiah 29:11, “For I know the plans I have for you,” sayeth the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” This verse took on so much meaning for me after my ma and sister died and my pa lost his sight. When we relocated to St. Louis for him to attend the school for the blind, I thought the Lord had abandoned us and life would never be the same. Little did I know, He would take the ashes of my life and bring about untold blessings.

Is there a person from the Bible that you most relate to?

My friend, Jimmy Bodine, likened me to Abraham. (Smile) That may seem funny, but when I was away from home, all I wanted was to return and have things as they once were. Jimmy told me home was my Isaac—the one thing I held back from the Lord. Through my experiences in St. Louis, the Lord was teaching me to depend on Him, that He was what I really needed. I’m so grateful for His love and guidance. He turned my shallow faith into heartfelt relationship, and my sorrow into joy!

The fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Is there one of these characteristics you find easier to show than the others?

Most likely faithfulness.  Though my faith was shaken by my hardships, I never lost sight of God, never allowed the root of my faith to die. Was there anger? Yes. Doubts?  Most certainly. But the Lord never let go of me. And now that I see His hand on my life, I’m more determined than ever to remain faithful!

Which one is the most challenging for you?

Patience! I don’t know how many times I tried to take things into my own hands, wanting things to happen on my time and way instead of God’s. It’s so hard not knowing what’s ahead and fully trusting in the Lord.

If you could give one message to those reading this interview, what would you tell them?

That no matter what they go through, God is with them, cheering them on, holding them in the palm of His hand. He loves us, even in our doubts and questions, and He wants the best for our lives.

Just for Fun:

Dark or Milk Chocolate?  Definitely milk chocolate.

Beach or Mountains?  Mountains!

Sweet Tea or Lemonade?  Lemonade

If you could describe Cynthia Roemer in three words, what would those words be?

Quiet, dedicated, faithful

I’d like to thank Cynthia Roemer for allowing me to interview Becky Hollister. If you’d like to get to know her better, please check out Under This Same Sky on Amazon!

You can learn more about Cynthia and her writing at and follow her on Facebook at AuthorCynthiaRoemer.

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    The Conversation

  1. Ann Doohan says:

    I had that scripture from Jeremiah 29 when Jim was diagnosed with kidney cancer, i have seen it many times since, a good blog that is different.

  2. Thanks for hosting Becky and myself, Heather! It was fun!